
I'm generally interested in knowing more about how MSF-C deals with behavioural and conduct issues in the workplace.

I'm generally interested in knowing more about how MSF-C deals with behavioural and conduct issues in the workplace.

Who manages Responsible Behaviour cases?

The Director of HR is the process lead on harassment cases. If the Director or any of the senior leadership are involved in the case, the Executive Director acts as the process lead. If the ED is involved, responsibility flips to the President of the Board.

In many instances, harassment cases will be investigated by an external investigator. The investigator will have the closest knowledge of what occurred. This is an intentional decision by the organization so that we can respond to your report thoroughly while also protecting your privacy and avoiding any unnecessary transfer of sensitive information.

To protect your privacy and your wellbeing, the final details of the investigator’s report will be redacted to remove unnecessary detail. This final report will be what is used to determine any sanctions or outcomes of the process.

Sanctions or outcomes are decided upon by the Process Lead, in consultation with the Ethics Committee.

For more information about who is involved in the management of harassment cases, see:

Role Clarity

To see our current roster of investigators and external mediators/facilitators, see:

Investigators Roster and Allied Professionals

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What happens if a report is found substantiated?

The ultimate sanctioning authority lies within the Executive Director’s office. Suggestions for sanction
are produced by the Director of HR, in consultation with the Ethics Committee, but the ED has final say
on the sanctions imposed after harassment, discrimination or misconduct has been determined.

Sanctions can range from mandatory coaching, documented warnings, change of job duties, demotion
and/or termination. The decision about sanction is informed by the level of responsibility the person
had or has in the organization, the impact of the behaviour, the nature of the behaviour and previous
history of similar or otherwise problematic conduct.

If the Executive Director is in conflict of interest with any of the parties or is named in the report, the HR
Committee of the Board takes responsibility for managing sanction.

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How to report
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